Sunday, August 25, 2013
The life of a Tom Kat
He moved in with his aunt in New York city when he was a kid after HATING the military family life.
He studied taijutsu and got pretty good at it, and even found a master living in the city to help him and another boy, Eric, in ninjutsu. But no matter how good he got, it never impressed his father. As far as Joe Kat was concerned, martial arts was a hollywood invention not good for anything but nerdy exercise. So despite the good relationship they'd had when Tom was little, his father considered him an abandoner for not embracing the American military way of life, and instead siding with some foreign fighting style. However his father's disappointment did not stop him, even though it hurt a little. OK, it hurt a lot.
As he grew, he also discovered the wonders of weed and became a regular in partaking. It wasn't long into those teenage years, however, that his aunt died. He ended up having to go live with his family who were currently on a military base in Japan. By then, he had a whole secret weed selling business with some older friends who had given him the drugs in the first place. They noticed that he had a bit of a green thumb when it came to caring for the plants and hired him on as their gardener. To keep the business going, he learned to summon the whole garden so that the business could flourish even if the team was a world apart.
After making friends in a near by village and learning even better taijutsu and ninjutsu skills (also Japanese), when the time came for the family to move Tom stayed behind to join the village's genin teams.
He was put on team 3 with Nakunai, a Jashinest girl, and Blake, a humanoid creature known as an emakai.
Together they had many whacky adventures, and a few serious ones. Orochimaru captured the boys to try and get close to Naku who was his ex slave girl. He was able to do this because they were not used to him like she was and therefore were able to be lured. He killed Blake by slashing his throat, and Tom was even killed by being put into a burlap sack and thrown into a river like a litter of unwanted kittens. He carved the words "Naku's Fault" into their flesh to get his point across, but Naku, together with her lover Hidan, were able to use their Jashinisem to bring them both back to life, forever bearing the scars of that day.
After nearly dying, Tom worked even harder to get stronger and made great progress over the years. However, after even cold and hard Blake found a mate, Tom was left being the only person in the group still single. Naku tried to take him to clubs to fix this but he wasn't into it...
Naku was getting very frustrated until a short time later when they got a new mission... escort the Duchess of the Raven Clan from her village to their village. The Raven Clan was a large family of black cats who kept their genes pure to preserve their fur color within the family. However, when Tom first laid eyes on Kitten it was an instant attraction, from both sides I might add. And the two flirted like crazy and got to know each other over the journey home where he even gave her a tour of the village.. a tour that concluded in his apartment...
It wasn't long after that, however, that she came to him in tears... her fiance (chosen by the family of course, not her) had finally met up with her (he was the reason the clan wanted her escorted over) and the wedding plans were already in place. Tom was devastated... he finally met a wonderful women and she was marrying somebody else... the next morning he reported to the Kage's office for work where everyone could tell there was a huge cloud over his head. He explained to them what was going on and Cynthia became outraged... arranged marriages were illegal in the village. She left her office to personally handle the situation.. Tom and the others came with and they got to the church just in time. Cynthia shouted at everyone at the ceremony and Kitten ran from the alter and into Tom's arms. After that, there was no more arranged marriages... the Raven Clan would have to allow other fur colors into the gene pool.
As outraged as the Raven elders were, Tom and Kitten couldn't be happier. Until, that is, she caught him puffing the magic dragon... to which she was very angry and scared but happy when he promised that he would quit... which he did.. well, cut down on- ...kept more secret. The money coming in from selling the pot was too good, and so was the high.
As time went by, Tom tried a few times to propose to Kitten, but every time he did she fainted... he tried big and public to small and private... every time she would en up on the floor. She had a deep rooted fear of the word "marriage" since, from an early age, had been a horrifying thought to her. Of course, she always thought she was going to be marrying someone 10 years older who she had never met before.. but now that that was no longer her reality, the fears remained and Tom figured she just needed more time. However, it didn't end up happening until something else happened... Kitten found out she was going to have a baby.
Tom freaked out, as a man in his 20s he was NOT ready for that. He thought of everything from adoption to abortion. But once the little orange tabby bundle of joy came all of his fears disappeared. He fell madly in love with his daughter the moment he laid eyes on her, and was able to propose to her mother quietly in her ear while she was on the bed, nursing their baby for the first time. She said yes, of course, and Tom gave her a classic, public proposal later on to which she did not end up fainting. To make a long story short, they wed soon after that.
Thanks in part to his secret drug money, Tom was able to afford a nice two story cottage for his family just outside the main part of town. Kitten was worried they wouldn't be able to afford it, but Tom convinced her that he had a lot of savings and family money to dip into until his ninja salary went up when he would apply for a position in the ANBU black ops forces. Well, she decided to go with it since this was a much better place for Kana to grow up than a little apartment.
Even with the arranged married thing, Kitten loved her family and never wanted to stop being involved with them. Every year the clan would get together in one village to perform CATS the musical. This year, they had a new member of the family with quiet the bright fur compared to the rest... so naturally, he was enrolled as Rum Tum Tugger. The only problem with that was.. Tom hated singing and dancing... and especially hated being on stage. However, he loved Kitten and wanted relations with his in-laws to be good, so he agreed to do it anyway.
The choreography ended up being a no brainier, him being a freaking ninja and all. The singing and the acting however.. were a different story. They ended up wrapping his microphone with a seal that had the words "auto tune no jutsu" inscribed on them. As silly as that sounds, it worked and he was able to sing well (as long as you were listening to him through the speaker). The acting took a bit more practice but the night of the show ended up being the clan's biggest success, mostly thanks to the rumors of the new, quite not raven haired, cat in the family. Kitten played her part of Grazabella and blew the theater away with her voice. Tom had heard her sing before and it brought chills to his spine and sometimes even a tear to his eye... to see her pouring her whole passion and soul into something like that and the result being so incredible... what on earth was a girl like that doing with him? Seriously.
After those shenanigans were over, life got to be pretty normal again. Kana deicded she loved singing and fighting, so Tom began some kiddie taijutsu training with her and kitten gave her vocal and piano lessons. However, two different storms were brewing all at once behind the scenes. Tom's family was coming to Japan again and wanted to see their newest family members, whom they hadn't seen since the wedding. That was stressful enough for Tom, but unbeknownst to him was an even bigger problem... Orochimaru wanted a new slave girl. He knew he couldn't touch Naku's daughter, but he still wanted to get revenge on her for escaping all those years ago. So if he couldn't hurt her family directly, he would hurt other people she cared about...
Blake had had a son, so that was useless... but there was another teammate Naku loved like family.. and Orochimaru had never had a neko before.. the ears were kinda sexy. He looked at a picture of the happy little kitty girl and smirked and evil smirk. This would be his new slave.
Everything was going pretty much how you would expect at the Kat family reunion. All 5 sisters came with their families and military career success stories or husband's career story and make Tom look even more like a "trader" siding with the "Japs" even though his father hadn't even lived through that war. Oh but "your grandfather did!" was the argument. Tom just rolled his eyes and hoped his 100% Japanese wife wasn't too offended. As that whackyness was going on, the failure to earn his father's pride was still a bit of a painful spot for him. He always went with what he believed in but apparently that wasn't enough for dear ol' dad who believed his son was chasing fantasy dreams. Yes, even being in Massashi Kishimoto's Japan type ninja world he was not convinced that it was a serious thing.
However, that would all change when Tom was walking his family back to the American base. He stopped... a cold feeling ran through him. Something was NOT right... his first thoughts were of Kitten And Kana alone at home, and he turned and started running as fast as he could. Joe, worried about what had just gotten into his son, struggled to follow behind as they made it back to the cottage. Tom slowed down and as he saw the front door was wide open. He walked up to it and poked his head in, looking around keenly for signs of trouble. His stomach fell when he found the living room chair tipped over and scratch marks on the railing. "Kitten!? Kana!?" He called into the house but no one answered. That silence came with the worse thing Tom had ever experienced... it was an indescribable, sickening fear that resided deep within his being. He went into the house and began to frantically search. He found Kitten on their bedroom floor with a pool of blood under her head. He began to panic but his father remained calm. Joe dialed Cynthia's office and explained the situation. A few minuets later Blake and Naku arrived with some medical ninja. Tom had placed Kitten on the bed and searched the house for Kana but she was nowhere in sight...
The medical ninja explained that Kitten would be fine, she was just hit very hard and would need some stitches. It wasn't long before she came-to and was able to tell them who had done this... Orochimaru, who else? Nakunai's blood began to boil. She new EXACTLY what he planned to do with the little kitty girl. He would raise her from a young age to be his slave... as he had come so close to doing with Naku herself...
As forest dwelling creature, Blake had the sights and smells committed to memory and could sniff out anyone unusual instantly.. and Orochimaru left behind quite the stink.
He led the way through the brush and before long was able to catch up to the snake man. Kana was out cold, being carried like a foot ball, in his arm. Tom felt instantly outraged and jumped from the bushes. "Tom, wait!!!" his teammates and father tried to say, but he was already gone. "What the FUCK are you ding with Kana?" He said angrily. Orochimaru turned to him with a sly look. "I was hoping you'd catch up to me." he said "I wanted to see the pathetic look on your face when I leave you dying on the ground as I carry your daughter away to be with me forever." Tom attacked head on, but Orochimaru dodged every move and even got a hit in himself, with the use of only one arm and everything. Naku and Blake sprung into action but Naku stopped herself and Blake when she saw the hand signs that Tom was making. He wasn't about to use THAT jutsu, was he? He was indeed. He shot out hand signs rapid fire then slammed his hands down on the ground. A huge circular area began to glow in complicated patterns. "SUMMONING, THE SEVEN TIGER SEAL!" Tom yelled at the top of his lungs and 7, giant ass tigers sprung from the ground to form a large half circle around the battle area. They had huge, heavy chains around their necks and ankles that were all linked together and going into the ground. The beasts roared and snarled and Tom began more rapid hand signs. Orochimaru looked around in surprise... he hadn't expected this at all.
"HEVEN'S NUMBER OF THE TIGERS, NO JUTSU!" Once he shouted that, the stripes on the snarling tigers began to stretch and wind their way down the links of the chairs. Tom held his arms out straight to the side, his golden eyes fixated on Orochimaru. "Naku, when I move to strike, catch Kana." He said. "Right." Naku said, she knew that this was his battle.
The stripes winded down the two main links of the chains in the ground that Tom stood between. They shot through the grass and up onto his body. The moment that happened a serge of power flew from the cat's body and kept going. The firey chakra of 7 giant tiger beasts trying to enter that size body all at once meant a lot of it was shot off into the air. Tom's screaming soon turned into a deep tiger's roar as his body transformed. He looked mostly the same, but he had stripes in the pattern of a tiger.. the backs of his ears were black with white dots. He had the teeth and claws of a tiger and the speed and strength of a ninja tiger, as oppose to a ninja house cat.
The surging, burning power blew off his shirt. Once the linking was complete, the stripes on the ground detached themselves from him and he was now linked to the tigers with the stripes that were still on his skin. Fast as lightening, he went for Orochimaru and Naku acted on the que. He struck Orochimaru square in the gut and the little kitten went flying. However, Naku was there to catch her and she quickly got the little girl out of harm's way.
The battle between Tom Kat and Orochimaru was short, but epic. In a Dragon Ball Z like mannor, Tom had powered up and even commanded his tigers to eat Orochimaru's giant snake. Tom's jutsu was just about to break when Kabuto came in and rescued the maimed Orochimaru. Once that happened, the tigers disappeared and Tom's stripes were gone, leaving 3rd degree burns and a lot of burned off fur in their wake. Tom fell to his knees and then on his face. The chakra of those tigers quickly blasted away his own and having your energy punched of you like that, well.. it would kill a normal person instantly, but Tom was a professional ninja.
A few hours later, he awoke to find himself in a hospital bed. He quickly sat up but his body quivered and gave out on him. He remembered the battle but didn't remember rescuing Kana so he began to panic. "Daddy! Daddy it's OK!! The snake is gone!" Kana was standing on a chair by his bedside. It was the happiest of reunions and Kitten sat near by as well. "She's been doing nothing but talking about everything she saw." Kitten said. Tom had thought Kana was out cold... but soon learned that she had woken up after Naku had rescued her and seen the rest of the battle. At first he was worried, not wanting to appear scary to his daughter, but she had other ideas. "No daddy, it was amazing!! Tigers are my favorite animals ya know? And now my daddy's one of them!!! Which means I'M tiger too!!!" She said excitedly. Tom smiled and gave her a big hug, "dat's my girl."
Joe came up to the bedside as well.. having witnessed the whole thing he felt ashamed. Not of his son, but of himself. He had been prejudice and closed minded, had never listened to what Tom had to say. And now that he had seen that this ninja stuff was not only real, but much more powerful than any technology the American military could come up with... he wanted to make things right. "Son... that was, amazing today.." He started, Tom looked up at him curiously. "I mean, I didn't know stuff like that was possible and, you do well for your family here.." He looked to the ground, a military general was not used to saying sorry. But he maned up and put a hand on his son's shoulder and a gave a thumbs up. "I proud of you, son." He smiled. Tom couldn't believe what he was hearing. His dad was actually proud of something outside the military?? Or America?? his eyes weld up a little and he wiped it away. "Wow, tanks dad!" After all these years, he had finally gotten his old man's approval.
Thanks to the magic of ninja doctors, the 3rd degree burns wouldn't adversely affect Tom's outer appearance. His fur grew back normal and his skin was smooth and without scaring. Cynthia heard about what had happened and was very impressed, Tom barely had a chance to rest up after being in the hospital before she gave him the ANBU black ops position. He was ecstatic, that had been his dream job for a while now.
Tom Kat now lived in a quiet cottage just outside town. He worked as an ANBU black ops agent for his village, a job well coveted among lots of powerful ninja. He had a wife who adored him, and frankly, was too good for him. He adored her back and
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
It feels good to get thoughts and feelings down on paper, digitally of course.
I have some questions about homosexuality and the church, I have spent a lot of time meditating on them and wish to see what answers christian people have for them.
Let me start off with, of course, by stating that the Bible is very clear on homosexuality. We all know what it says. Which is fine, because God makes the rules, not us. I also want to put out there that these are presented from a point of view that homosexuality is a biological condition (I don't mean condition in a bad way), and not a conscious choice.
Here are my questions:
Let's start with marriage, even though it is becoming legal despite anything else.
Is it our place to be making those crucial life decisions for someone else? Should it be left between the individual and God and out of the hands of strangers? Are we over-stepping a right to free will which was given to us by God himself by disallowing homosexual marriage? Their union would not have to affect you or your family after all, unlike murder, in which case that should be illegal.
Even if that's true, another fear to consider is if this would open the door to other areas like bigamists and familial members to have their wishes fulfilled through a legal marriage. Or would we stop at homosexuals? Is there any way to know the answer to that? I can live in a wold of in which exists same sex marriage but when it starts being OK for my blood related uncle or a man with 3 other wives to start hitting on me... I don't think I can swallow that one.
I have also been told, obviously, that the legalization of homosexual marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. I question this because to me that's a little bit like saying the invention of the grapple (grape apple hybrid thing) or whatever fruit they've mutated together ruins all the true grapes and apples out there. However despite having grapples, if you bite into an apple you still have an apple, unchanged by the mere existence of an unnatural version. It doesn't seem to me that the existence of two men considered married by the state would have to also ruin a man and a women's union through the church and considered married by God. I think God has a little bit more authority than any state to say who's marriage is a marriage.
The answers to some of these questions I have, I believe, aren't as important than this one:
I know a lesbian, and one night she came to me in tears saying that she had been kicked out of at least 6 different churches just for being gay. She didn't go in advocating anything, or holding hands with another girl, she just wanted to come to mass like everyone else.
Instead, she got told she was a sinner, unclean, going to hell, and any and all sort of terrible thing you can imagine.
Something doesn't seem right about that... christian people seem to have a lot of hatred for homosexuals and I don't understand why. Aren't we suppose to NOT have hatred in our hearts? Isn't that one of the main points of the religion? Is my friend not a child of God?
Why do christian people appear to be so hateful? No wonder the world doesn't respect us, and unless I find that that is not true for a large portion of the community I will lose respect for it as well, because judgment and hate are not suppose to be present in our christian lives.
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my ideas/questions. I'd like to stay with these and not stray away in other areas, I can see some other things these bring up that can become another post.
Thanks again.
Friday, August 9, 2013
I have enough material in my head for an entire Novel about Tom Kat...
- Name: Tom Kat
- Age: 0 - 47
- General physical description: Orange tabby neko with athletic body type. He is cute and has big, gold cat eyes. He generally wears ripped, washed out jeans, a wife beater and an open button, red plaid shirt.
- Hometown: New York
- Type of home/ neighborhood: Apartment
- Relationship status: Husband of Kitten Kat
- Current family: Kitten and Kana Kat, along with his parents Joe and Karin Kat.
- Family background (parents, previous marriages, etc.): Tom grew up in a military family and lived with his aunt and New York most of the time by choice in order to not have to move around. Along with school, he practiced taijutsu and ninjutsu in a dojo started by a Chinese native, now living as an American citizen, and got quite good at it. When he was 13 his aunt died and he went to go live with his parents. He ran away at age 15 off a military base in Japan where he found his taijutsu skills to be quite useful in the village of Kumogakure where he was placed as a genin in team with 2 other teammates, Nakunai and Blake.
- Friends: Nakunai and Blake
- Other close relationships: His buddies from New York who he runs his 'business' with.
- Relationship with men: They are his bros
- Relationship with women: Respectful, but lustful when he was single (if they are nekos).
- Job: Ninja
- Dress style: Lazy, but cute
- Religion: None
- Attitude to religion: Generally doesn't think about things like that
- Favorite pastimes: Catnip, training,being lazy, video games, growing weed.
- Hobbies: Playing with his daughter, being lazy, watching tv, training his ninja skills and growing weed.
- Favorite sports: Agility
- Favorite foods: Tuna, salmon, fish tacos and chicken pizza.
- Strongest positive personality trait: Sweet, pleasant to be around.
- Strongest negative personality trait: Doesn't see some of his own flaws and defends his bad behavior, lies directly to the people he loves.
- Sense of humor: Very much so
- Temper: Fun loving, generally happy, curious, can get frustrated easily.
- Consideration for others: average
- How other people see him/her: Kind of stupid probably, optimistic, stubborn, sometimes an asshole, adorable, and noble.
- Opinion of him/herself:
- Other traits, especially those to be brought out in story: He hates singing and dancing, but does it anyway because it is a tradition of Kitten's family. He can be the sweetest guy in the world but challenge anything he likes to do or actions he took and, right or wrong, he will usually defend them without thinking about it much. He doesn't like to be in the wrong, and even if he knows deep down that he is, he will keep it... deep down, so he can feel just fine on the surface. However, when it comes to his ninja way, he will be honest and do the right thing in the end. He loves neko women, obviously, but is adorably shy around them (until after he meets Kitten).
- Ambitions:
- Philosophy of life:
- Most important thing to know about this character:
However there still seems to be a long way to go.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The grass is always greener.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
My characters
[b]Name;[/b] Tom Kat
[b]Age;[/b] 21
[b]Sex;[/b] male
[b]Human Appearance;[/b][spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]
[b]Animal Appearance;[/b][spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]
[b]Hybrid Appearance;[/b] [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]
[b]Personality;[/b] Tom Kat is a very sweet guy. He's outgoing and his demeanor can very much be described as 'sunny'. He has a strong New York accent as that is where he grew up and the city is very much apart of who he is, fast paced and exciting. He isn't that much of a deep thinker, and doesn't generally worry about things like philosophy or current events or knowing things. He's more worried about what's right in front of him, otherwise it's out of sight, out of mind. One of his favorite past times is lighting up a joint or hitting a bong and just being lazy and laid back.
[b]History;[/b] Tom grew up with his aunt because he didn't want to leave New York to travel around with his Military officer parents. He was a pretty average kid over all. Before he was kidnapped he had a job delivering pizza for the summer before returning to community college.
[b]Name;[/b] Caleb Neely
[b]Age;[/b] 23
[b]Sex;[/b] Male
[b]Human Appearance;[/b][spoiler][img][/img][img][/img][/spoiler]
[b]Animal Appearance;[/b][spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]
[b]Hybrid Appearance;[/b][spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]
[b]Personality;[/b] Known as the "class clwon" Caleb enjoys making people laugh. His tomfoolery has led to things being broken, angry strangers, and in the past school suspensions. He never took life too seriously, though that changed a bit when he went to college. He gets bored easily and will be angry or frustrated when not able to do anything about his boredom. He was never much of a ladies man, though he does try. But a lot of the time he'll focus on other things more than a lady if he's with one if those things are fun and entertaining, but that usually turns her off. He generally studies hard but is always down for a party if there are no finals coming up. Still kind of immature and wet behind the ears, his serious side doesn't come out unless it needs to.
[b]History;[/b] He grew up in Los Angeles where he's been living in his parent's basement. Before he got kidnapped he was in his last year of college and about to earn a Bachelor's in software engineering.
[b]Name;[/b] Brigette De Soto
[b]Age;[/b] 22
[b]Sex;[/b] Female
[b]Human Appearance;[/b]
[spoiler][img][/img][img][/img][/spoiler][b]Animal Appearance;[/b] N/A
[b]Hybrid Appearance;[/b] N/A
[b]Personality;[/b] Brigette is a very intelligent girl. She delights in discovering new things. However, she has a dark sense of curiosity and cold hearted attitude toward other people's suffering when it comes to science. She's the type of person who doesn't understand people's reaction to movies like The Human Centipede. The other side of her personality is bright, happy, bashful, and cute. You would never know her dark side from how she acts when she's not in the science lab.
One more thing you should know... if you ruin her experiments, prepare to be hacked to pieces with an ax, or worse... BECOME one her test subjects!!
[b]History;[/b] Even though she grew up in Paris, France, she learned English well and has almost to trace of an accent. She studied at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, the nations top university (~I googled it~). However, she got expelled for experimental malpractice and now works with Syne Ravenwood.
[b]Other;[/b] She is one of the scientists.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
So I just joined a role play site
After decades of listening to static, it finally happened. A sound, from the deep recesses of space picked up by the planet's largest satellites. The feathery creatures jumped for joy at the words "Luuucy, I'm home!" as some of Earth's oldest broadcasts reached the stars.
Now this was the planet Asphella and their inhabitants and technology evolved in much a similar way of Earth. However, their culture and traditions were, as one would imagine, extremely different.
That's what I would do if I were trying to appeal to other people. But this time will be different. I'm going to do what I think is fun and if someone wants to join, great! If not, they're no fun anyway.
Ninja Love and Ninja War
Disclaimer: I am a bit behind in the Naruto series so this story line will be fictional as far as the Naruto world in concerned. Please NO SPOILERS I'm only at the part where *SPOILER ALERT* Naruto goes to the island with the giant animals and the armadillo has a dick.
Two Naruto world villages are in war. Two characters, either fictional (or Naruto/Sasuke and Gaara, if you're into that <3) or non end up meeting each other and falling in love, obviously. They can either desert their villages or end the fighting. Both of those don't seem like realistic options, so they struggle to find an answer. What would happen to them if their leaders and teammates found out? Would one village try to use it to take advantage of the other? What if one of the protagonists got captured by their lover's village? Many exciting possibilities only imagination can unlock!
You can be from any village and be anything you want as long as it's humanoid. Neko, shark man, puppet, vampire, whatever it doesn't matter create any humanoid character your heart desires!
No OP characters please this is not DBZ even though DBZ is awesome.
No godmodding, mary sues, loopty loos, you know the drill!
No being too serious I'm not a serious person LAUGHING IS MANDATORY no, it isn't, but you will be frowned upon, ironically.
LAST RULE I'm the male character because that's what I know and that's how I roll~ if you wanna be male too well I don't mind that at all~
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Breakfast is figured out.
Now lunch... back to the recipe book! (actually google)
Tom Kat Evolves!
- Name: Tom Kat
- Age: Depends the game
- General physical description: Orange tabby neko with athletic body type. He is cute and has big, gold cat eyes. He generally wears ripped, washed out jeans, a wife beater and an open button, red plaid shirt.
- Hometown: New York
- Type of home/ neighborhood: Apartment
- Relationship status: In a relationship with Kitten
- Current family: Kitten and Kana Kat
- Family background (parents, previous marriages, etc.):
- Friends: Depends on the game
- Other close relationships: Depends on the game
- Relationship with men: They are his bros
- Relationship with women: Respectful, but lustful (if they are nekos).
- Job: Ninja
- Dress style: Lazy, but cute
- Religion: None
- Attitude to religion: Generally doesn't think about things like that
- Favorite pastimes: Catnip, training, and...
- Hobbies: Getting high.
- Favorite sports: Agility
- Favorite foods: Tuna, salmon, fish tacos and chicken pizza.
- Strongest positive personality trait: Sweet, pleasant to be around.
- Strongest negative personality trait: Unappeasable.
- Sense of humor: Very much so
- Temper: Fun loving, generally happy, can get frustrated easily.
- Consideration for others:
- How other people see him/her: Kind of stupid probably, optimistic, annoying, adorable, noble.
- Opinion of him/herself:
- Other traits, especially those to be brought out in story: It is very hard to please Tom. Whatever you give him, he automatically wants something else. The only time he likes what he gets is when he gets it for himself, otherwise even at a request there will inevitably be something wrong with your effort. He isn't that much of a deep thinker, and doesn't generally worry about philosophy or obtaining a higher plain of knowledge. He's more of a 'in the moment' kind of guy who's ambitions revolve more closely with the tangible.
- Ambitions:
- Philosophy of life:
- Most important thing to know about this character:
I'm so excited that Tom Kat just got a whole new dimension to his character!! Thank you Rum Tum Tugger for the inspiration ^____^
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
One Healthy Recipe a Week.
Let's write another story!
Once upon a time there was a Zebra named Gary. Gary dreamed of living in a zoo. However, despite this pictures of utters filled his dreams every night, but not for the same reasons as most male zebras. He didn't want something with an utter, he wanted to BE that something. Yes, he was a transsexual and if he were human he would be walking down the run way in high heels and long wigs. However, zebras were terrible at performing surgery so he was unable to fulfill his dream. He could, though, possibly obtain his goal of living in a zoo. Maybe then the humans would take pity on him and chop off those nasty balls.
He was just about to jump onto a helicopter and sneak into america when a lion attacked him.
The End.
wtf story
This story, apparently being news-worthy, hit the TVs before dawn, and soon all the world knew of the collapse of reality. Many, of course, believed the whole thing to be a hoax. However many a hobo danced and sang through the streets, having known that the end was near. Soon the city became a giant hobo spring break party, and many saggy, dirt covered boobs were flashed to... well, nobody wanted to get that on camera.
The police tried to disband the party with tear gas, but hobos were tough people and could handle it. That's when the snake penis man came and bit every one of those officers on the left hand with his still heavily intoxicated penis. Immediately the cops became as drunk as the snake and started partying with the hobos. It wasn't until the men sobered up that they realized that their penises had been turned into all kinds of cuddly animals. Like lizards, hawks, monkeys, and elephants.
All of the women's cops breasts became as saggy and dirty as the hobo women they had tried to gas, and then nobody won.
Finally the military was called in to quarantine the city of which this bizarre phenomenon was taking place. However, as soon as the order was given all of the soldiers turned to zombies. Then needing to be quarantined themselves, there was nobody to quarantine the city and the infection spread to other parts of the world.
Humans started giving birth to dogs, dogs started giving birth to humans. Neither one liked this arrangement, so they tried to trade babies but the babies didn't like it so they rose up in adorable rebellion and killed their respective mothers.
Soon topless hobo women, men with animal penises, zombie soldiers, and babies (including puppies) paraded through the streets.
However, it wasn't long before all of this tomfoolery was disrupted by the Earth collapsing.
The End.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Most Hilarious Music Vidoes
50 Ways to Say Goodbye - Train
Thrift Shop -Macklemore
Party Rock Cantina Band
The Wind -Zac Brown Band
Friday, May 31, 2013
Use a Journal For Self-Discovery and Self-Expression 1
As a therapist, I often suggest to clients that they explore their feelings and thoughts by keeping a journal. Sometimes clients ask for a bit of direction with this process. Here are some journaling ideas if you’re not sure where to start:
1. Write down what happened today and how you felt about it.
Well, today I discovered that a company I was looking into is also a 1099 position. You pay $20 for leads and that gets you sales or something. I decided I wasn't comfortable with that. I posted about it on but nobody wanted to help, so I was on my own with the decision.
I got a job at Ross, and I'm not happy about it. 40 minuet drive to make minimum wage in retail. The only way it gets lower is fast food. I am one step above fast food! How pathetic is that, seriously? I spent 16 months of my life in Job Corps to end up in EXACTLY the same place I started from! I QUIT a retail job to go to Job Corps and where did it get me? Right back to square one. Thanks for nothing, Collbran!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Helpful Resources:
If You Need a Job: (this one is to help improve hand writing. Something that can help decide if you get hired or not) "He's so lazy that if there were work in bed, he would rather sleep on the floor." - Paddy O'DeaIf You Hate how Shouts are Public: Stuff: Trouble: You Need to save Money: You Need a Laugh: "I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three." --Elayne BooslerCute Animals: -good-mood/ (BABY PANDAS!!) and Relationships: (for those interested in men) "Bart, with $10,000, we'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things!" -Homer SimpsonBeauty: You Need Inspiration: "Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas AdamsHelpful Life Tool Thingys: (look up Tobi Uchiha) Advice: "I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." --Lily TomlinEducation and School: You're Bored: "I don't kill flies but I like to mess with their minds. I hold them above globes. They freak out and yell, 'Whoa, I'm way too high!' " --Bruce BaumSpiritual: "Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." - Jerry GarciaIf You Need to Recover: You want to Chat with Fellow Help.comers:
http://tinychat/oldhelpchat You're Tired of Email Spam: "Today I met with a subliminal advertising executive for just a second." --Steven WrightCool: You want to be Smarter: (Now I know how this site looks, but looks can be deceiving trust me it's ligit, lolz) "Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?" --John MendozaHealth Advice: "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." - Mark TwainMisc (but awesome): blurb from... on this here page up I remember the saying: happiness is having someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to. Do you agree with this?
No. /ps the conventional approach and I think /ps a recipe for a life of suffering. /ps nothing wrong with those things, and they feel good, but hanging your happiness on them encourages a lifelong preoccupation with reaching and keeping certain ideal circumstances. Eventually your loved one dies or leaves. Eventually you age and cannot do what you once did. Your thing to look forward to might not be what you expected or might never happen.ThereitThat
So that strategy pt sound too wise. But ps pretty close to the normal way people approach life. I think we can do better than that.itdoesn
I have all three of those things all the time whether pm happy or not. Happiness, to me, is being in the present moment without being preoccupied by a craving for some part of that moment to be different. ps all it is. The circumstances pt have to be any particular way if I am able to accept them in real-time without getting wrapped up in how pd like them to be. To be a happy person is to get good at that.IdonThatI
Let's get this party started!
I am powerless over laziness, my life has become unmanagable.
All right, I did it. So how long am I suppose to stay on step one before moving on to step two?, well we'll let it stew for a few days and then move on.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Creative Writing Now (.com) Character Challenge
Writing Character Profiles - Questionnaire 1 (Adult Characters)
- Name:Tom Kat
- Age: 21
- General physical description: Orange tabby neko with athletic body type. He is cute and has big, gold cat eyes. He generally wears ripped, washed out jeans, a wife beater and an open button, red plaid shirt.
- Hometown: New York
- Type of home/ neighborhood: Apartment
- Relationship status: In a relationship with Kitten
- Current family: A mom, dad, and little sister.
- Family background (parents, previous marriages, etc.):
- Friends: Depends on the game
- Other close relationships:
- Relationship with men: They are his bros
- Relationship with women: Respectful
- Job: Ninja
- Dress style: Lazy, but cute
- Religion: None
- Attitude to religion: Generally doesn't think about things like that
- Favorite pastimes: Catnip, training, and ...........
- Hobbies:
- Favorite sports: Agility
- Favorite foods: Tuna, salmon, fish tacos and chicken pizza.
- Strongest positive personality trait: Innocent
- Strongest negative personality trait: Druggy
- Sense of humor: Very much so
- Temper: Fun loving
- Consideration for others: a lot
- How other people see him/her: Kind of stupid probably, optimistic, annoying, adorable, noble.
- Opinion of him/herself:
- Other traits, especially those to be brought out in story:
- Ambitions:
- Philosophy of life:
- Most important thing to know about this character:
Writing Character Profiles - Questionnaire 1 (Adult Characters)
- Name: Blake
- Age: which ever for the game
- General physical description: Silver hair with red bang, red eyes. When he's transformed, he his hair grows down along his back all along a tail that has just a bit of longer hair at the end. He has stripes that are a shade lighter than his regular skin color running all along his body. He has claws and his eyes turn to have cat slits.
- Hometown: Forest
- Type of home/ neighborhood: Forest
- Relationship status: Mated with Lilian.
- Current family: Emakai males leave their families.
- Family background (parents, previous marriages, etc.):
- Friends: Depends on the game
- Other close relationships: None
- Relationship with men: Other emakai males: attacks on sight.
- Relationship with women: If they aren't his mate he doesn't care.
- Job: Ninja
- Dress style:Whatever cloths he finds off his victims.
- Religion: None
- Attitude to religion: Generally doesn't think about things like that
- Favorite pastimes: Hunting, playing in the river, hanging out with human friends.
- Hobbies:
- Favorite sports: None
- Favorite foods: Vampires
- Strongest positive personality trait: Monogamous
- Strongest negative personality trait: Jerkwad
- Sense of humor: Dark
- Temper: Uncontrolled
- Consideration for others: None existent.
- How other people see him/her: Mean, violent, courageous, loving (toward Lilian).
- Opinion of him/herself: He thinks he's the shit.
- Other traits, especially those to be brought out in story:
- Ambitions: Help save the species
- Philosophy of life: Kill or be killed.
- Most important thing to know about this character:
- Will readers like or dislike this character, and why? Some readers will, others won't. He is selfish and mean but usually ends up doing the right thing in the end.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Can laziness be overcome via 12 step program?
I've researched laziness a lot. As it turns out, some people are genetically predisposed to being lazy. They did studies on rats and all that, played around with their genetic code. They could turn active rats into couch potatoes, and vise versa. Well I figure that some people are more predisposed to alcoholism, but that doesn't mean that they have to become alcoholics. So why should genetically predisposed lazy people have to become lazy?
I am going to treat my laziness like an addiction. An addiction, by a definition that I'm stealing from a psychologist (source below), is something that:
You continue to do it even when it causes you problems with your health, relationships, job success or self esteem.
· You begin to organize your day or week around participating in your vice.
· Your addiction begins to narrow your experience of life.
· You develop a talent for magical thinking, storytelling and excuses.
Article Source:
2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to lazy asses, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Monday, May 20, 2013
My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: True Love Conqures all Species (pg)
It had been a couple of years since the adventures began with Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Of course, we can't forget little Spike. The baby dragon who assists Twilight with her studies of magic. By now, he was beginning to outgrow the library tree in which they both lived. And with maturity, came the beginning of a realization for him. A realization that hurt him more than anything.
Ever since he was small, he could remember that day in Ponyville. That truly magical day... when he laid eyes on the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria. Sadly, however, inter-species relationships don't quite work out in the long run. As a little dragon, a young, ignorant, blissful thing, he dreamed of the day he would be able to tell her, and then they would be happy. Of course, Rarity always knew of his little crush, and brushed it off as nothing but him being a cute little boy.
But now, he was getting to be a grown dragon. And the "cute little crush" was crushing him, under the weight of reality. Dragons and ponies do not, cannot, go together. But if that were true, he wondered one chilly night, sitting under thin clouds that let a little moonlight through. how could they even fall in love?
Well, she didn't love him. That he had kind of known from the beginning... but honestly, why could two completely different species fall in love if they can't be together? What sort of gainful mecinisem was this to mother nature? Maybe... this wasn't about nature, who was only ever interested advantages. Maybe this was magic... but what sort of crule spirit would do this to someone? What benefit could it possibly bring them? And if this wasn't some sort of spell, well... it had to be, right? Because all magic has to have a wielder. So obviously this was something that had to have been done deliberately...
~What does it matter...~ Spike thought depressidly. ~What's done is done, and I'm stuck with it~ the dragon lost all hope of ever recovering. If it hadn't worn off by now, it never would. In fact, it had gotten stronger. Maybe it would help if she could find a stallion, that way he could know that she didn't have to be alone. But her shrill, finicky personality and superficial attitude made that rather difficult.
He sighed. Yes, he didn't have any special idealistic fantasies about who she was. He knew the extent of her imperfection. But hay, as a creature of greed and fire, none of that made an honest to gawd difference. He loved her more than anything, and it was quickly becoming clear that that would never change.
Never change... the thought scared him. Was he really to live his whole life with this torture? Going to bed with a freshly wounded heart night after night? The thought of a stallion flashed through his mind again. He winced... thinking of her with someone else. The young dragon was so confused. He wanted her to be happy, and he would be happy if she finally found someone. But at the same time, that thought was extremely painful. Painful and wonderful at the same time... well, no one ever said love was easy.
Morning came, but the thoughts of last night were still fresh in Spike's mind. He decided to fly to the Everfree Forrest. Maybe Zecora would be able to explain why someone would put such a cruel spell on him. Twilight was always so busy, he didn't want to bother her. He stood almost as tall as the tree when he stood up. He stretched his wings and gave a big yawn. There were bags under his eyes, the nights had not been good to him for quite some time now.
With a mighty flap or two, he picked himself up off the ground and headed out. Twilight wouldn't be worried, it's not like he could help her much anymore anyway, she had Owlwishes, it would be fine.
It wasn't long before the big purple dragon reached the zebra's home. He hoped she wasn't still asleep. He gently knocked on the door with one claw, trying not to scratch it. "Coming!" he heard just before the door opened. "Ah! The great dragon of purple, would you care for some tea that is herbal?" she asked, holding up a steaming cup.
"Actually, Zecora... I came here to ask you a question. I hope it isn't a bad time..."
"Of course not a bad time, now tell me what is on your mind." She sipped her tea
"Well, a long time ago someone put a curse on me. A... a love curse. See, it has to be a magic because there's no way a dragon would naturally fall in love with a pony..." His eyes were on the ground, this isn't something he could easily talk about.
Zecora frowned "Oh, little one. I see the position to which you have come. But listen to my verse, these feelings you have are not a curse. I know how you feel, so help you I will!" She put her cup down and went into her house. Spike looked up curiously, he felt a small ping of hope.
After a few minuets, she came back out with a big bowl full of a bubbling blue liquid. It smelled kind of like... wet hair... ew. His nose wrinkled.
"I know it does not smell tasty." Said Zecora, setting the bowl in front of him "and I assure you it does not taste like any pastry. But if you drink this gallon, you will be transformed into a handsome stallion!"
His eyes widened. "What? A stallion? You mean I'll be a-a pony??"
She nodded and smiled. Spike picked up the bowl but was hesitant. "Can you ever turn me back?" He asked tentatively.
"I am not the one who can turn this around, you are the only one who can make the transformation sound."
"What..." He started to ask before she continued on
"You will become dragon again at the stroke of 12, unless into a romance you do delve. It is very cliché, I know. But it is the only way for your pony side to show." Zecora had a serious look on her face. This was exactly the Cinderella thing again... a kiss by midnight and he would be a pony forever. He decided that, even if he didn't become a pony forever, this was too big of an opportunity to miss out on. So he picked up the bowl and drank the potion quickly, his face twisting with disgust at the taste. However, he didn't have to worry about that for long with the bazaar feeling taking over every inch of his body. He shrieked in fear as he felt his fingers melt back into his hand, his tail, too, seemed to be receding into his body, his flesh melting together into a new mold. He felt his facial bones flatten and stretch. His teeth and gums rearranged themselves. It seemed too, that the entire world was being affected by the potion. Everything was growing taller.
Everything was blurry when he opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the inside of Zecora's house. ~How on earth did I fit in here?~ he wondered for a moment. Then he felt his new body, felt it by being in it. He was a completely different shape. The memory of a few hours ago came to him suddenly and he woke up in an instant. Was he a horse now?? Indeed he was. Purple fur and wings, green hair and eyes, a dragon's tooth cutie mark, and hooves tan like his belly and claws had been. He looked down at what used to be hands now transformed into feet. his stomach churned and he felt like he was going to be sick. The room started spinning and he could not find the strength to try and stand up. This body was so foreign... how did it even move?
Through the morning, Zecora would help him get oriented in this new physical state. the process wasn't easy, but with a little practice, he should be ready to walk into Ponyville with confidence. Fang, as he decided to call himself, started to feel hopeful for the first time in years
That afternoon, Zecora waved him off as he galloped toward Ponyville. Having completely mastered his new body, he was confident that he would pass for a natural born pony. He slid to a stop when he came to the town. No one paid much attention at the excited new stranger as they went about their pony business. Except for one pony... who paused, screamed, and bounced in circles around him.
"YEEEE! A new pony!!!!! Welcome welcome WELCOME!!!!"
"Pinkie Pie??" 'Fang' said by mistake, she stopped in her tracks. Her eyes huge with surprise.
"You know my NAME!?"
He panicked, realizing the slip up. "Uhhh!!! Another pony randomly told me!"
She stared at him, great. Now he was cought.
"....OK!!!" She continued to bounce, completely buying the story. "I have to throw a PARTY for you!! A WELCOME party!!! AAAAGHHHHEEEEKSAGFHJKASHFDKJ!!!!!!!" She dashed off. Spike chuckled.
He trotted happily through the town. It was so different being a pony! He saw Rainbow dash zoom up above. For a second he wanted to race, but then remembered that he had had very little practice with his horse wings, which were vastly different from dragon wings. He stretched out his tiny -well, compared to what he had before they were tiny- wings and looked them over. Green feathers outlined the rims. Gosh, they were sure beautiful. He tucked them back in and looked to his side and caught his reflection on a mirror attached to an outdoor kiosk. He held his head high, indeed, Rarity would not be able to resist his rugged good looks! Oh yeah... Rarity! In all the excitement, he had forgotten why this had all come to be in the first place!! He reared up high and galloped off.
He stopped in front of her store and paused. A fear swelled up in him, it was something he had never felt before. His knees locked. He could not go any further. What if she didn't like him? Then what? ~Well Spike-I mean, Fang, if she doesn't like you, at least you can live your life knowing you tried.~ He thought to himself before slowly going forward. He took a deep breath to relax, then walked in the door. The little bell rang.
"Welcome to my boutique! I believe you'll find all of our items are sheek, unique, and magifque!" There she was. The most beautiful pony in all of Ponyville. He couldn't say anything. "Oh! I've never seen you around before. Are you new to Ponyville?" She gracefully approached him. For the first time since childhood, a good feeling overcame him. Like, this was really possible.
"Oh... uhhhai, yes! I just came into town today in fact." He tried to act cool.
"Oh! Well! Welcome to Ponyville. I-...." She paused for a moment and looked him over. "Pardon me, but have we met before? I swear you seem so familiar..."
"Uh! No! No we have not! I've never been here before! Or Canterlot! Or anywhere!" He said in panic.
"Never been anywhere..?" She looked confused.
"Um, that is, what I meant was.... uhhhh.." ~Uh oh, I have a name but I forgot a background story!~ He swallowed then cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. "What I meant is that my whole life until now I've lived on a rock farm." Immediately he regretted saying that. No way would Rarity go for some rock farm pony!
"Oh, just like my friend Pinkie Pie. No doubt you met her already."
"Oh, haha yes I did."
"Anyway! Our men's selection is over this way if you'll just follow me..." She turned and led him to the left of the store. "Well, I'll leave you to shop now. Let me know if you need anything else!"
"Wait! Uh, I mean... maybe you have some recommendations?"
"Oh, Hm. Well, what's the occasion?"
"Uhhhm, well... I was planning to attend the Galloping Galla tonight."
She winced. "Eh! OK, but just to warn you, it's the worst party you will ever attend. I remember that RUDE prince! And no one else had much of a better time either. Ak. Sigh, we should have all just listened to Spike. Oh, he's a baby dragon. Well, he WAS a baby dragon! He wanted for us to just spend the evening together."
He smiled. It made him so happy to hear her talk about him. "He sounds like a really cool guy."
"Spikey Wikey? Why yes, he is a sweet dragon. Very different from other dragons. Anyway, if you plan to attend the Galla I have some very handsome suits that I think would flatter you very well." She began looking through the rack. But he hadn't really come here to shop for cloths. Actually, he didn't even have any money....
"My name is Fang."
She looked up at him from the cloths. "I'm Rarity, a pleasure." She picked out a suit. Try this one! It's outlined with little gems.
Mmmm... gems.... just then he turned to see a huge one sewn onto a garment on the rack. It looked so... delicious... he opened his mouth to take a bite but nearly cracked his teeth. "Owch!" He stood there, confused for a moment before realizing that ponies don't eat gems!
"Uhhm, what are you doing..?"
"Oh... uh! Sorry, I just... like this one!"
"Oh, that one is a bit more flashy. Well! Try on whatever you like." She handed him what she had picked out then began to walk away, assuming her customers didn't want to be smothered. He put the suits down and followed her.
"Uhh... actually, I didn't come here to shop."
She stopped and turned "Um, then what did you come here for?" she had a look of concern on her face. Of course, some strange guy just walks into her store/house and tells her it's not to shop. A feeling of dread came over him as he realized how creepy that must seem. Maybe his chances were ruined now...
What could he tell her? That he saw her outside of Ponyville one day, and that he had to find her at all costs? That wasn't stockerish at all. Man, what a bind...
"I, uh... well I'm afraid I just came here to look. I don't have any money you see." He looked down, wishing he had come up with a plan before charging in.
"Oh, well, feel free to look around all you like." She turned again to walk away.
No! This was a disaster. He was no closer to winning her over then he was as a dragon! "Of course, thank you." He said sadly, then turned back and sat in front of the cloths. He pretended to be interested in what was there while he tried to think of a solution. I suppose they didn't have to attend an event like Cinderella did... but how on earth could he get her to kiss him by TONIGHT? She had very high standards, and that was just simply moving too fast. He sighed, got up and walked out quietly enough so that she wouldn't hear him.
Spike sat by a pond, looking down at his reflection. But it wasn't him staring back, it was some pony. He sighed, this was probably the most depressing day of his life. Even more depressing then the day he realized they couldn't be together. Because this time was the same thing, only he had had renewed hope, and lost it.
He got up and started walking in a random direction. It didn't matter where he went, because the pain would stay with him always.
It only seemed like a minute had gone by when Spike realized that the sun was setting and he had been walking for hours. He must be MILES away by now! Oh well, after he turned back into a dragon flying back wouldn't take too long. Upon looking around, it was apparent that he had ended up in some kind of swamp forest. He sat there for a second, taking in no feelings or impressions of his surroundings. They didn't matter, all he could feel was pain. In a few hours he would be a dragon forever again, and all chance with Rarity would be lost...
Just when he was about to go back into a thoughtful state of depression, a very loud voice caught his attention.
"Hey! A little pegasus pony! You look sad! What's wrong little fella?"
In front of him was what looked like an ordinary donkey. He had a very anticipating expression of his face. "Oh, you wouldn't understand..."
"Why not?"
"Because... well, you're not going to believe me."
"Wha-!? Not believe you??" He said in his fast talking manner "Kid, if I TOLD you all the things I seen, YOU wouldn't believe ME. So lay it to me! Say it to me! Lean on me!!! And I'll be your friend!!!" He began singing. In a panic, Spike started telling his story to shut him up.
"All RIGHT! See... I'm not really a pony, I'm a dragon. But I drank this potion in hopes that me and this other pony could be together."
The donkey gasped. "You're a DRAGON? And you've fallen in love with a PONY?"
He hung his head "Yeah... I know it's stupid-"
"STUPID?" Interrupted the donkey, now getting very excited. "Boy let me tell you something, I'm a donkey, k? And I'm MARRIED to a dragon! Her name is Dragon. And I'm Donkey. And we have little mutant BABIES!"
"What!?" Spike wasn't sure he heard this right, or maybe he was hallucinating...
"Yeah! Watch!" Donkey whistled, and after a second little creatures appeared and were flying very quickly toward him. He stretched out his arms. "Come to DADDY!" They knocked him over and began licking him. They truly were.... half dragon... half donkey... some magenta scales... some brown furr... Spike couldn't help but stare, even though he was usually more mannered. Was this even happening? This potion must have really done a number on him...
After Donkey was finally able to get up, he walked back over to Spike. "I'm guessing this pony girl would never consider the real you, because you're 10 times her size and the whole different species thing?"
He nodded
"Hm, well how about you and I go on over there and she can meet the kids! Then she'll see how CUTE they are and not be so uncomfortable!" He grinned, proud of his ingenious idea.
"I-I don't know..."
"Look, you don't have to tell her you love her right then and there. Just... to get the ball rolling, you know, something she can have for future reference! Because honestly, you can't be happy with ANYONE unless you be yourself. And a dragon is not a pony! But you gotta have FRIIIENDDS!"
"OK! That sounds like a plan, but, can it wait for tomorrow? I don’t' want her to know I tried a stunt like this..."
"Lemme guess, kiss by midnight spell?"
"Yeah.." He was a little embarrassed at the cliché of it all.
"That one's a classic! OK, how about you come home with me and we can discuss it with the Misses?"
"All right, that sounds pretty good."
At midnight Spike forever turned back into a dragon. He was amazed at how different it felt. But this time it was a really good different, it was natural and right.
The next day, Spike, Donkey, Dragon, and the kids went into town. It wasn't long before they saw Rarity walking down the street. Spike's eyes lit up.
"Rarity! Hay Rarity! I have some friends I want you to meet!" He said excitedly.
She looked up "Spike! Oh really?" She turned and walked over to them.
"Yep! This is Donkey, Dragon, and the kids." The little mutants were swarming around their mom at the moment.
"Oh! Why hello there, uhm, are those... donkey dragons?" She looked a little weirded out, but was trying to be polite.
"Why yes they are! Aren't they CUTE!?" Donkey said excitedly.
"Oh, why yes they are! I didn't think erm, well-I didn't.."
"You didn't think donkeys and dragons could reproduce? Well, they can! Isn't it GREAT!?"
"Oh, why yes I suppose it is"
Dragon roared impatiently. "Oh, well I guess it's time to go. Nice meetin you all! Bye!!" He hopped on his wife and they were off, leaving the two alone.
"I swear this world never runs out of surprises." Rarity turned to continue on. "Well, I best finish my shopping, see you later Spike! Nice meeting your friends."
"Wait! Uh, you mind if I tag along? I can carry your bags!"
"Oh, what a sweet little dragon! Well, not so little anymore. Sure! Come on then, first stop, carrots!"
"All right!" He followed her happily, and they shopped together.
The End.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
spring time pictures
Monday, May 13, 2013
My boys
Yuki Cortez - Asian emo kid, been just about everything under the sun. From a demon, to a neko, to a hero, and a villain. Sometimes he has blue eyes, very sexy. Sometimes he's half mexican ("cortez" is a mexican last name) and sometimes he's adopted from China. But most of the time he's Japanese.
Kisame Hoshikage Jr. - born out of random role play about the Akatsuki all having kids. Became one of my all time favorites.
Tom Kat - came from an Inuyasha themed role play, he is a very 'stray cat strut' kind of guy with a sweet disposition and very much a comedy character.
Blake - My 'famous' imaginary creature the emakai. Vampire eating, rude, mean, tough, loveable. Sometimes he goes from evil to good, sometimes from good to evil.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Let's do another Favorites
1. Authors
Now I haven't read a lot of books this past year and a half simply because good ones aren't all that accessible at Job Corps. But I do very much enjoy blogs (even though I couldn't read them at Job Corps =P)
David -
Mr. Money Mustache -
John Cheese -
2. Past Time
Walking and listening to music.
3. Alcohol
4. Cartoon
My Little Pony
5. Anime
Fruits Basket
6. Manga
We can do more than favorites, let's see how goals will change over time. This could be a good experiment that can teach about how to plan for the future.
Career: A: Geologist/Paleontologist B: Environmental Engineer C: Ultrasound Technician.
Misc: Retire in my 30s via Mustachian life style. Become mindful.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
You see my problem is, there is no way I could make every piece of every costume I would want to wear. Edward Elric's arm isn't something that can be made by just anybody. And namely, right now, I want these:
Saturday, May 4, 2013
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A picture of me in Meade, Kansas with the motel owner's cat who came to visit our room. |
I've been sitting at home for, probably over a week now. I'd really like for that guy offering me a job to have a spare moment. I'm sure he will soon, he does need a new assistant eventually after all. I suppose I shouldn't be impatient, most people with my age and talents (or lack there of) get job offers this good. But since quitting my money-eating career as a commission only pre-sales consultant, I have had nothing to do. More money in the bank, but nothing to do. Honestly I'd rather spend my days of precious year 21 sitting in the basement then showing up for work to not get paid. At least sitting at home is my choice. Drive down to Colorado Springs every week and not get paid for it? No thanks, my time is a little bit more valuable than that.
Anyway, I am tired of being at home and just want to move on to the next stage of things already. My time is a little bit too valuable to sit in the basement, my choice or not (and thank goodness it is a choice!!), but I have nothing to do. Barely any friends at all, actually, I have 1 (that I can actually see). And I am eternally grateful to have her (Naruto hating or not... though the fact that she does voictrously hate Naruto is a little bit soul crushing every time I hear it....). But more people would be nice. Where do you find people if you don't go to school? Craigslist? That's kind of pathetic and... dangerous and weird.
Anyway, I don't know how many days it's been since I haven't had a job. Luckily, it is not troublesome to not have a job still living at home. I just ate dinner for free and didn't even have to cook, but as lovely as that is I would like to get on with moving out and life in general. I think moving to Meade, Kansas would be a good thing. Something has always felt wrong with the consumer life style, but up until I found Mr. Money Mustache, a blogger who lives right here in Colorado, I thought that the only way to escape would be to live on an island. Turns out, you escape the system by using it differently than everyone else. Meade, Kansas is a tiny, flat town with giant roads perfect for never, ever using a car. I'm hoping there is a farmers market because the produce in the tiny little grocery store did not look or smell good... like, at all.... other than that, though, it is away from giant shopping malls and starbucks. As much as I love those things, they are not healthy for many different reasons and their addiction I wish to break. Because honestly, I have a lot of beautiful cloths now, I won't be needing any more for years to come.