Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I don't know what to type about. I'm just bored. Still reading Mr. Money Mustache, wishing I could start on it already- but without a job that is not going to happen. I want to ask MMM a question... what to do if you have an expensive hobby. Mine is anime, and I suppose you can turn it into a profit or at least lower the cost by making your own stuff, but that is not profitable unless you are good at it- I mean, professional grade. I am nowhere near that level of sewing skill. Nor do I have the patience or desire to become good at sewing. I just like the dressing up and the good times with other people and the culture in general, very good bunch of people, anime junkies are.

You see my problem is, there is no way I could make every piece of every costume I would want to wear. Edward Elric's arm isn't something that can be made by just anybody. And namely, right now, I want these:

Aren't they beautiful? I could be an MLP or just a regular unicorn, whatever. It would be amazing!! But, they are $440 on Etsy, not something you just buy, especially something you won't even get to wear that often. 

So, what I've done is downloaded a (free) dress pattern. It is a vintage style poofy skirt sundress, something that I think will work very well for Fluttershy. And I've resolved that if I can make that myself, I can then buy the needed accessories! I don't know if I will get these boots... they considered extreme footwear and as such are pretty dangerous... I just know I will fall in them. Unless I'm really really careful and don't mind being slower than a depressed snail, I'll be fine. 

In my mind, I like to imagine what it would be like to cosplay professionally- though I'm not sure there's such a thing, unless you're the one actually making the costumes. I would be known as a professional cosplayer/fur enthusiast. But I wouldn't be in those big creepy toon suits- oh no, I would be elegant and beautiful, sort of like that MLP cosplay I have in mind with those boots. Only other animals, as well. Resembling something more similar to Second Life than a typical furry. Though, for most furries it is actually a sexual fettish. Though I do enjoy a good role play, sexual or not, I can't say I share their interest in that way. I just being able to be something besides what I am, if that makes sense. 

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