Yesterday, I looked back on some old posts and noticed that a favorites article I did awhile ago and noticed that none of them had changed. So, I'll do some more favorite things of mine and see how long it takes them to change lolz.
1. Authors
Now I haven't read a lot of books this past year and a half simply because good ones aren't all that accessible at Job Corps. But I do very much enjoy blogs (even though I couldn't read them at Job Corps =P)
David -
Mr. Money Mustache -
John Cheese -
2. Past Time
Walking and listening to music.
3. Alcohol
4. Cartoon
My Little Pony
5. Anime
Fruits Basket
6. Manga
We can do more than favorites, let's see how goals will change over time. This could be a good experiment that can teach about how to plan for the future.
Career: A: Geologist/Paleontologist B: Environmental Engineer C: Ultrasound Technician.
Misc: Retire in my 30s via Mustachian life style. Become mindful.
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