Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Angry Letters

Mom - Thanks for not allowing me to get an education, social skills, have a life, or go to college like everyone else my age. I hope you're happy I was treated differently. Yes at church, where the hell else.

June - I don't care how much you hate your job or your life, there is no reason to be a freaking bitch to the people you're in charge of. And yes, I do have to check your receipt. Next time you buy something and use that 'you should already know this you fucking moron' voice to tell me "no, you don't!" I'll tell you "that's not what Rose said." I asked, again.

Tayler - I don't care what we were fighting about anymore, I just can't get around the fact you don't give a rat's ass about our friendship. "My loss" indeed.

Marcel - Rot in Hell

Obama - Africa, Hawaii, I don't care. Just go back there and leave poor America alone. It's in enough trouble already, thank you.

Leftists, at least most of the ones I've talked to - Please quit trying to cover the fact that you absolutely have no fucking clue what the hell you're talking about by accusing every independent (who happens to not agree with the president) and right-winger of being recast. I'm not trying to say I'm any better at politics than you are, but I think I've got this thing called 'common sense' down.

Matt's dad - I don't know why you're so much more concerned with establishing the pecking order every chance you get, even though it has probably been apparent for years now, more than your own son, just please don't make my hunny hide away in his room all the time. (btw repeating the same old lectures again, again and again doesn't help anything. Relax, he heard you the first 12-hundred times)


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