I watched a lot of TV as a kid. I was homeschooled, so I had a lot of free time. But it wasn't all cartoons and sesame street. I watched a lot of Animal Planet. And one person caught my attention more than both Jeff Corwin and The Planet's Funniest Animals combined. He helped make me who I am today. He not only taught me facts about animals, but respect for them. And how to respect them. He taught me passion, something not everyone has. I couldn't do what he did, nor would I want to. I have slightly different dreams, but I can apply what I learned to what I want to do. Instead of looking for animals and studying them, I want to look for extinct animals and study them!
Even when he wasn't talking about animals, he was enthusiastic and passionate. These occasions were rare, but in one episode he was talking about a jet. I'm not really interested in jets, but I was while he talked about it. He got me deeply interested in something I didn't care about at all. And I think that's pretty amazing. I wish teachers could be more like him. Heck, I think we can all learn something from watching those old reruns.
He wasn't perfect, of course. One thing he did I couldn't yet could believe he would. Of course the media was all over it and a lot of people didn't like him after word. Even I kinda back up at it, and I wish it hadn't happened.
Even so, I still wanted to meet him more than anything. I dreamed about it and was determined to do it. He taught me so many important things, and his skills with animals was impressive and I knew I'd get to see a lot of cool ones. Knowing that'll never happen absolutely breaks my heart. He wasn't in it for the money, or tthe fame, or whatever. He was just a guy doing what he loved. Even though his life was cut short, he did more than most people would in 4 lifetimes.
After everything he did for the world, saved animal's lives and people's by collecting snake venom, spreading awareness and educating about animals and their situations, instilling passion and respect into kids like me..
All I can say is...
I hate stingrays.
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