Growing up, I wasn't allowed to attend school. My adopted mother decided that, without any prior experience or training, she wanted to try home schooling. Well, the first 10 years we squeaked by but after we moved when I was about 12 she let it pretty much fall by the way side. Instead putting me in once a week home schooler programs usually sponsored by churches invented so home schoolers could meet other kids. Well, taking bible study, science, Shakespeare, and gym once a week doesn't quite earn you a diploma.
Now I'm working as a cart pusher at Walmart and one motivation for wanting to pursue a career path is seeing the employees with the '10, 15, and 20 years of service' badges. 20 years as a cashier? With no education or money that's what will happen to me. This is why I feel I'm ready to enroll in Job Corps. I want to earn my diploma and work with computers. I've been on computers since I was knee high, and have always been fascinated by what's inside them and how they work. Which is why Computer Repair and Business Technology sound perfect, I could have my own repair shop!
Since I wasn't busy with school, I spent a lot of time volunteering at the church. It taught me team work and discipline. That, and my job has helped build a good work ethic.
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