Saturday, May 14, 2011

I don't know if I see the point of trying to be who you want to be

Apparently, life in a never ending journey of growth. Which by itself sounds profound and magical. But to me it sounds more like perpetual suffering. You know the reasons money can't buy happiness, right? Because no matter how much you get, or how much you buy you're just going to want more? Well... isn't a never ending growth trip the same kinda thing? No matter how much better you get, the satisfaction gives way to something else you want to do.

Maybe, instead of selfishly pursuing our own goals of careers and sports stuff and education degrees, you should do something worth while. Something relevant to the world. College is a rip off unless you're going for law or medical doctor or something. No one in the entire world got fired for a less than perfect GPA. After school it's completely irrelevant.

Go to a soup kitchen, help save pandas, foster homeless children do something you can look back on and actually feel good about doing!

Sure you climbed for up the career ladder and have a big house... what the fuck is that suppose to mean? Look at me, I'm good at getting things for myself? Wonderful, no one cares!

Instead of wasting your time on stress and status, try thinking of ways you improve the world around you. What can you do right now to help someone somehow?

People waste all their time on pointless college degrees and career building and money making and fancy house and car getting when they could be doing something that is actually relevant to not only other people's lives but their own.

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