Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am SO SICK of advertizements plaguing my life!

This was a post I made on Below are the post and the replies. 

This is why I gave up graphic design… no, I didn’t give up on it, I ran the f-uck away from it! How could i live with myself knowing I actively contribute one of the most obnoxious poisons of our time?

You can’t even watch an internet video anymore without frequently being interrupted by some stupidass commercial. Is you tube REALLY that much in desperate need for money? Sometimes there’s even a little arrow on the bottom of the video reminding you of that ad you xed out of that WON’T FREAKING GO AWAY.

If everyone became emotionally healthy, the economy would collapse and never recover… being a consumer is a life of hunger that can never be satisfied. Nothing is good enough, nothing can satisfy the hunger of the modern consumer. That’s why they’re called “consumers”. And behind the faces of of those big evil companies making these commercials.. are poor souls who are honestly no different from the rest of us. They’re after your money so they can hand it over to other companies, so the people from those companies can hand over the money to another big company…

Oh how I wish I could see the day when people stop this vicious cycle of misery and greed. Virtually every religion and philosophy in existence warns about greed and has some law or rule stating you should stay away from it… greed is the root of virtually all the other 7 deadly sins (even if you’re not catholic, you have to agree those are best avoided).

Sadly… that day may never come.

"Ads have gotten crazy, but a lot of our television has got more expensive - and there are a lot more channels so this needs to be funded in some way. Its annoying but here in the UK we have the BBC which has no ad’s but you have to pay a TV licence. I’d rather have the ads. Also, how great is it we can watch things online now?
Some adverts can be good, my boyfriend works in advertising and there ARE some good ones - a lot of not good ones though."

"Me: Yeah, I don’t mind the commercials on TV too much, they keep it less expensive and now a days you can fast forward right through them. But online is it REALLY necessary to have to go through 2 or 3 adds on how to wash my none-existent balls and how I can save money on insurance for my none-existent car. Even if the add happens to be relevant to me like for shampoo that gets rid of frizzy hair, I don’t want any part of it!! Not to say some commercials aren’t fun anyway (super bowl) or good (foundation for a better life ones are usually cute). But there is a point where it’s just too much…"

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