Monday, December 31, 2012


This has so much meaning. I over think everything. I can hardly enjoy something for what it is or what it appears to be because I can't help but think of where it came from, what it means, why it's here. For example, I'm always thinking about the cgi or the acting instead of just enjoying the movie. Of course those images aren't real and those people are actors, why must it come to my mind? Well, I can enjoy a movie (thought I do think about those things), that is a metaphor for a lot of other things. But, don't a lot of people think about acting and cgi? Why am I worried about it? Do I want to be a mindless person who doesn't think about life too much? Maybe I do. I used to be that way as a kid but getting older I think about everything more. I'm not even sure what I'm talking about. I can't pin point it. I can enjoy things fine... I just think about some of them too much. Maybe that's everyone? Maybe that's a good thing? I don't know, it's driving my crazy. Sometimes I wish I could just  have a day where the grand scheme of things didn't cross my consciousness. Yeah... I don't know what that means.

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